
  • Starting a business in your 20s

    If you are in your 20s and you desire to be an entrepreneur, good for you. Congratulations on making a career choice to start your own business at ...
  • Business Summary

    Here is a checklist of the different things you will need to get started on your business in a box. The most important is the business plan because...
  • What is a business description?

    Not to be confused with the executive summary, you usually begin this section with a short description of the industry. So this is not really begin...
  • What is an executive summary?

    The executive summary will tell the person reading the plan what you want for your business. A big mistake often made is burying this information s...
  • How do you put your strengths to work?

    Think about what your strengths really are. Is it planning the business, giving creative ideas, or being the solutions finder? Maybe your strength ...
  • What free resources can you rely on?

    Networking is a great free resource. I literally have a free course on it and it can be purchased here:
  • How do you build street cred?

    You need to let people know who you are. This pertains to building relationships with your customers, and since you are new with the business, you ...
  • How do you commit yourself to a market solution, not just a small idea?

    You need to ask yourself certain questions before trying an idea to see if it works. What problems does your target market have? Once you can pinpo...
  • How do you choose your niche wisely?

    When choosing a niche, think about something you love. Something you can relate with. Preferably something you use or rely on. Choose something tha...
  • What do you need to know about your target audience?

    What are their interests? Do some research and see if there are any typical or general interests the target audience has. If you already know them ...
  • What are things to consider when starting a business?

    The first thing you need to do is grab my book! This book can help you from A-Z with setting up a business. Even if you already have a book, this i...
  • How do you start a business without experience?

    It's easy, just start. Think about the things you are passionate about. Think about something you would enjoy doing. Think about what you already k...